The self-governing Institution Swinging Europe is a non-profit institution situated in Herning Municipality. DSI SE has worked internationally with art and culture since 1998. With music as one of our primary focus areas, we create and facilitate artistic and cultural projects and activities through art, music and talent development of youth in the age range of 18 – 25.

In our work, we prioritise developing and participating in cultural collaborative work – both locally, regionally, nationally and internationally by creating a strong fundament for exploring culture projects. This benefits not only up-and-coming talents, but also the local community and society as a whole.

Among the local initiaties, strengthening the art and culture scene in Herning Municipality, we partake in reoccurring events, which strengthen the community and spirit of the local cultural initiatives and projects.

On an international level, our projects focus on expanding and strengthening a strong fundament for interdisciplinary collaborations. Apart from this, the projects create valuable experiences for young musical prodigies in their ambition to engage with the national and international music scene.

The Nordisk Teaterlaboratorium makes world-class theatre, for everyone.

We create and share unforgettable stories with audiences locally, nationally and around the world – whether on our stages, in the urban space, on tour, in schools, on screen or virtually. We aim to be as inclusive, diverse and sustainable as possible.

Our artistic starting point is an interest and curiosity aimed at theater forms from both Western and non-Western traditions, and a desire to create a unique expression based on this encounter. We believe that our performances contain opportunities for, and are an occasion for, a meeting between differences, regardless of whether you are an audience or a performer.

We enrich Danish performing arts with residencies, seminars, teaching activities, performances, concerts, exchanges, guest performances, festivals and major international collaborations and networks. We create ambitious new works of high artistic quality that are the result of a unique way of working and tradition developed and refined over many years.

B’cause Dance Company was founded in 2018 and has been continuously creating dance performances that are staged in Warsaw as well as other cities in Poland and Europe. The company is actively engaged in the process of dance and artistic education for dancers and audiences alike through a range of educational activities, such as dance workshops, artist talks, and educational and popular science films. During our four years of operation, we have created 9 shows that have been presented more than 50 times in over 20 cities in 6 countries.

The mission of B’cause Dance Company is to create performances that address important issues for society and stimulate debate and reflection among audiences. Due to the multitude of possible interpretations of the ideas contained in our shows, we believe that each viewer will embark on an individual artistic journey that will allow them to take their own stance on the issues raised. We hope to inspire people to make the world a better place.

The Multi-Active Group of Art Fabrica Athens since its establishment (2009) is a theatrical organization that promotes artistic creation, research and education.

It is active in the fields of Theater (Performance, Street Theater, Social Theater, etc.), Circus, Yoga and Handmade DIY Constructions, both nationally and internationally, while it annually organizes the HRTFest – the most handmade and recyclable art festival in the city of Athens.

The goals of the group are to support independent and handmade creation, as well as to support and train young artists (performers and actors). In addition, it invests in building links between people, scientists, artists and different disciplines towards an interdisciplinary, holistic and human-centered art.